“President Trump had flaws, but achieved (a) remarkable record of success…”
Headline attached to a column written by Roberta Schaefer

On Dec. 30, Roberta Schaefer, founder and former president of Worcester Regional Research Bureau, touted alleged Trump administration’s successes in a Telegram and Gazette opinion column.
“President Trump had flaws, but achieved (a) remarkable record of success,” her column’s headline trumpeted.
Ms. Schaefer mentioned Trump’s “incessant tweeting, his public shaming of his own appointees, his inability to graciously accept his defeat in the 2020 election,” as being among his flaws.
Her column was a mere 1,700 words plus, so perhaps she didn’t have enough space to add some of Trump’s more troubling transgressions–requesting and accepting foreign interference in our elections, implementing racists policies and appealing to white supremacists, for example.
Nine days following Ms. Schaefer’s column, the Capitol’s deadly riot exposed her astonishingly myopic view of Trump’s atrocities and the danger in playing down our elected officials anti-democratic behavior.
And yet, even with Trump out of the White House, that brand of politics is still alive.
Here is Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., explaining why many Republicans are beginning “to line up” behind the argument that the Senate doesn’t have the constitutional authority to convict Trump after he had left office.
“I think a lot of Americans are going to think it’s strange that the Senate is spending its time trying to convict and remove from office a man who left office a week ago,” he said.
Well, that’s not what’s happening.
Trump is being impeached and tried for abusing the powers of his office, not the least his incitement of an insurrection against the government.
But who do you think Trumpers’ will believe, Cotton misrepresenting the truth or Biden speaking truth to power?
I admire Biden’s commitment to unifying the country, but he’s bringing a slingshot to gun fight, and even for man of faith as he is its a tall order.